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Ein Tîm

Lee Oliver

Interim Director, GWCT Wales

Born and brought up on the beautiful Llŷn Peninsula, North Wales, Lee is a first language Welsh speaker and comes from a farming community where his grandfather farmed sheep and beef.

Lee studied Environmental Risk Management at Cardiff UWIC. On graduating, he worked in boatbuilding and then spent time in South Africa working on cattle and game farms.

Lee has been with the trust for nearly 5 years, and has worked on a number of projects involving species such as, Woodcock, Fallow Deer, Curlew and Grey Squirrel. He is also a CAA Drone Pilot and has developed this work within the trust for surveying species.

“Shooting, fishing and particularly deer stalking are an important part of my life. I was brought up to respect any quarry and shooting has always been about providing food for my family. Conservation and environmental management sits alongside this as another passion of mine.”

Owen Williams

GWCT Wales Chair

Owen is a countryman, wildlife artist and writer living in Ceredigion. Being a long-time supporter of the GWCT and its evidence-based approach to land management, his interest in woodcock pushed him to set up the Woodcock Network to encourage more ringing and study of woodcock across the UK. Through this initiative he worked closely with Andrew Hoodless and the GWCT research team, sharing his data and assisting with ringing and tagging of woodcock in Wales for their Woodcock Watch project. He also designed and conducted a scoping study on woodcock and soil health on his ringing sites in West Wales.

It was this experience that gave him an acute understanding of how much effort goes into fieldwork, and the subsequent delivery of peer-reviewed science that convinced him to accept the role of GWCT Welsh Chairman and become a trustee in 2022.

Despite his responsibilities as Welsh Chairman, Owen continues to paint wildlife and ring woodcock, and is spending an increasing amount of time writing on countryside matters, having been asked to be a regular contributor to the online countryside writers platform Scribehound.

Alaw Ceris

Fundraising and Members Officer

Having grown up in a rural Welsh-speaking community in the foothills of Eryri (Snowdonia), North Wales, Alaw has always been passionate about the environment and being active outdoors, with a keen interest in wildlife. Having studied Mathematics and Statistics in Cardiff University, she moved back up to North Wales to pursue a career in the environmental sector, working for Keep Wales Tidy for 10 years.

Alaw started with GWCT in October 2022 to support the fundraising committees; arrange attendance at major events (Welsh Game Fair, Royal Welsh Agricultural Show and Eisteddfod); lead on the communications work; membership; and support the GWCT Wales Team and director.

Now settled on the coast in Llanbedrog, Pen Llŷn, raising three children, leading the local surf club, netball club (as well as captaining her own team) and playground committee, there is plenty to keep her busy.

James Warrington

Swyddog Prosiectau, GWCT Cymru

“I have grown up in Shropshire and have always been interested in the outdoors and spent many a day walking, cycling and volunteering in the countryside. I am a graduate of Harper Adams University, with a BSc (Hons) in Countryside Management. Initially working for the MOD as a Wildlife and Habitat Consultant, I offered SME habitat and wildlife advice for six airfields. Most recently, I have worked for the GWCT Curlew Country Project in Shropshire as the Project Officer. This covered all aspects of curlew conservation, ranging from monitoring, headstarting, nest protection, habitat work and farmer liaison. In my spare time I work with a youth organisation, leading various activities including walking, climbing and DofE expeditions.

“I am now extremely excited to be joining GWCT Cymru as Projects Officer.”

Julieanne Quinlan

Rheolwr Prosiect, Cysylltu Gylfinir Cymru

Wrth dyfu i fyny yn Iwerddon, cefais werthfawrogiad aruthrol o bob agwedd ar fyd natur gyda’i holl gymhlethdodau a gwyddwn fy mod eisiau dilyn gyrfa yn y maes. Ar ôl cyrraedd Cymru, dechreuais fy ngyrfa gan ganolbwyntio ar adferiad byd natur lleol o fewn rhanbarth Conwy. Canolbwyntiais fy ymdrechion gan gwmpasu amrywiaeth o brosiectau o greu dolydd, creu perllannau treftadaeth a phrosiect sy’n cefnogi’r Wennol Gyffredin ar y Rhestr Goch yn ddiweddar. 

Fel Rheolwr Prosiect ar gyfer Prosiect Curlew Connections, rwy’n ymdrechu i gael effaith gadarnhaol a dyfodol mwy gwydn i’r Gylfinir Ewrasiaidd yng Nghymru. 

Dechreuais fy ngyrfa yn Ne Affrica yn gweithio ar Atal Potsio a Rheoli Gwarchodfeydd cyn mynychu Prifysgol Bangor lle cwblheais fy ngradd BSc Sŵoleg gydag Ymddygiad Anifeiliaid. Roedd fy ymchwil yn canolbwyntio ar ddeall y symudiadau gêm mawr yn y biom a yrrir gan dân a elwir yn Fynbos yn y Western Cape. Dyma lle gwnes i ddyfnhau fy angerdd am Adareg a Botaneg. 

“Fy hoff beth am y Gylfinir yw’r arwyddocâd diwylliannol sydd gan yr aderyn ar draws Prydain ac Iwerddon. Mae gan bob cenedl ei henwau a’u mytholegau lleol unigryw eu hunain y tu ôl iddynt.” 

Katie Appleby

Curlew and People Officer, Curlew Connections

“I am from Shropshire in England. I spent six months this year working as a monitoring officer with the RSPB’s Curlew LIFE Project in Northern Ireland. Building experience and knowledge of the Eurasian curlew, spending all hours of the day with them learning their habitats and behaviors. Seeing the first nest and chicks was a real high point. To then watch them grow and fledge made me fall for them even more as a species. I am excited to continue to work with curlew, especially in Wales, and having the opportunity to work with the GWCT and partners to reverse the decline of this incredible species is a real honour. I am ready to get stuck in and hopefully increase the success in this area.”

Logan Crimp

Agriculture and Conservation Officer, GWCT Cymru

Kaylee Fay

Placement Student, GWCT Cymru

“I moved around quite a lot growing up, but my passion for wildlife and the environments they inhabit has always been a constant. No matter where I was, I found ways to connect with nature—whether it was hiking, sea swimming or other outdoor activities. My time at university and a short time studying in South Africa really opened my eyes to just how complex managing ecosystems can be, and how quickly they can change, especially in today’s climate.

Photography and art have helped me engage with the natural world in new ways, allowing me to appreciate what nature has to offer. I’m dedicated to learning more about conservation and environmental management, while also contributing fresh ideas and perspectives. After completing two years at the University of Gloucestershire studying Ecology and Environmental Science, I’m excited to continue expanding my knowledge and experience.

I’m really looking forward to developing my skills in species monitoring and environmental research with the GWCT, and to work alongside their talented staff and researchers. It’s a great opportunity to learn and make a difference before I return to university.”

Matthew Goodall

Head of Education and Advisor for Wales and NW England

Matt previously worked as an ecological consultant, biodiversity officer and game management lecturer. He joined the GWCT in July 2018 as an advisor and has played a vital role in building the GWCT’s profile in Wales, working on our Welsh projects and undertaking advisory visits, biodiversity assessments, training courses and talks across the country.