

  • To build economic and environmental resilience by developing ‘sustainable intensification’ of agriculture in line with GWCT’s farmer-led Working Conservation approach.
  • To provide a Wales-wide community of farmers with a platform to share information and demonstrate how to increase biodiversity and combat climate change.
  • To share GWCT science and provide advice to farmers, helping them to identify knowledge gaps for further research in order to provide practical solutions to problems.
  • To demonstrate to Welsh Government, ministers and civil servants what farmers want to do for the environment and put them at the heart of policymaking.
  • To engage with the wider community of farmers, businesses, NGOs, advisors, students and schools to improve understanding of agricultural and environmental issues.

Farming Community shared objectives

  • We want to be part of the solution to mitigate climate change and reverse biodiversity decline within a productive, sustainable farming business system.
  • We want to work to increase wildlife on our farms particularly threatened species such as the curlew, barn owl, lapwing, hedgehog, and yellowhammer.
  • We support GWCT’s three-legged-stool approach to conservation of vulnerable farmland birds combining habitat creation, winter feeding and predation management.
  • We are happy to show people the work that we are doing on the farm to integrate nature with emissions reductions and food production.
  • We recognise the benefits of collaboration and knowledge exchange to deliver nature recovery on a landscape scale.

What GWCT Wales can offer farmers

  • Support knowledge exchange through live and online events and provide an information network through digital channels including website, apps and email newsletters.
  • Seek funding to enable delivery of environmental objectives on individual farms and to support collaborative landscape-scale initiatives such as Farmer Clusters.
  • Partner with farmers to adapt and tailor environmental measures to specific sites and farming systems in order to deliver outcome-based conservation.
  • Present Welsh Government, Natural Resources Wales and policy influencers with evidence of the best approach for restoring the environment within a profitable farming system.
  • Emphasise the need for a profitable farming business to underpin farmers’ ability to combat climate change and increase biodiversity.

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