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GWCT Cymru, which was established in 2017, is part of the Conservation Research Charity the Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust who develop the research into processes on the ground to reverse biodiversity decline throughout Wales working with farmers and others involved in everyday management of land. 

On the basis of our scientific expertise we work with and provide advice to: 

  • Farmers 
  • Land managers 
  • Land owners 
  • Conservation organisations  
  • Other organisations 
  • Statutory bodies 

Our Advisory team have, for many years, run industry leading best practice predation management training courses.  

These courses are based on practical experience backed up by GWCT science. 

7 Key Achievements In 7 Years

Growing from one member of staff in 2017 to a team of 7 in 2023 

6 fold increase in wintering bird numbers from the EIP Welsh farmland bird initiative  

4.4km of new hedgerow created under the Bro Cors Caron SMS Project  

£1 million received for the new Curlew Connections Project

Established and hosted 2 Game Fairs 

4 research projects completed, with two new projects in progress 

6 GWCT fundraising Committees – actively arranging events in Wales throughout the year